Well... there aren't many packages to choose from, because you already get everything
NEW: Our subscription for starters who do not sell on Bol yet. Access to áll product research functionalities, including unlimited product tracking!

Save temporarily 25%!
Mega Seller
€39.00 /month (ex. tax)
or €399,- upfront
+ € 8.- per-user
+ € 9.5 per-extra shop
- No order costs
For companies that sell on bol.com that want to scale and automate their bol.com webshop.
* This month €100,- discount on an annual subscription if you already have a Bol-shop. Ask customer service after you connected your shop to Rylee
- 14 day trial
- Access to all our tools
- Free bol.com kick-start course €999,-
- Full webshop management
- Unlimited product tracking
- Automated emails
- Mobile app & Chrome extension
- Product Listing AI
- Amazing analytics
- New: Review analyser & notifications
- Exclusive partner deals
- New: Bol-repricer
- Disappointments
Mega Seller
€49.00 /month (ex. tax)
+ € 8.0 per-user
+ € 9.5 per-extra shop
- No order costs
For companies that sell on bol.com that want to scale and automate their bol.com webshop.
- 14 day trial
- Access to all our tools
- Free bol.com kick-start course €999,-
- Full webshop management
- Unlimited product tracking
- Automated emails
- Mobile app & Chrome extension
- Product Listing AI
- Amazing analytics
- New: Review analyser & notifications
- Exclusive partner deals
- New: Bol-repricer
- Disappointments

Our Reviews
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We are 100% sure that you will too.
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